Pitbull - Hey Baby (Drop It to the Floor)(feat. T-Pain)
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Sverige världens tredje säkraste land

"Sverige är världens tredje säkraste land att låna ut pengar till, efter Norge och Finland, rapporterar Reuters med hänvisning till CMA Datavision."

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Här är USA:s nya skräck

"LOS ANGELES. Det splitternya kinesiska stridsplanet får USA att darra.

Stealthplanet J-20 sägs vara minst lika bra som de bästa amerikanska stridsplanen.

Det betyder att USA:s militära överlägsenhet i luftrummet är hotat.

De korniga bilderna på planet publicerades i går, bara timmar innan USA:s försvarsminister Robert Gates påbörjar ett officiellt besök i Peking.

Snabb upprustning

Kinas utrikesminister Hong Lei har vägrat kommentera rapporter om att landet testflyger det nya stridsplanet.

– Kina fortsätter på den inslagna vägen med fredlig utveckling. Vi har tagit fram en nationell försvarspolicy som är defensiv till naturen och inte hotar några andra länder, säger han.

Flera instanser i USA verkar ha tagits på sängen av den rekordsnabba militära upprustningen i Kina.

Bantar försvarsbudgeten

Nyligen avslöjades att Kina tagit fram en robot som kan sänka amerikanska hangarfartyg.

Tidigare har amerikanska försvarsexperter pekat på att en sådan utveckling varit på gång men att det skulle ta flera år innan

Kina nådde dit. Kinas militära upprustning ställs i USA mot Pentagons planer på att dra ner USA:s trupper med 47 000 man och under de kommande fem åren banta försvarsbudgeten med 546 miljarder kronor."

About 2012 and the Future

The Maya people have an Error in Their Calculation System:

0 is Nothing, that materia is moving In (Space/Antimateria/Nonmateria/­Time-Room):

See the Word "Nothing" as a Item, "Nothing" Can´t Collide with materia and give an Explosion (ex. Comet). It´s the materia that is the Threat, We will Not use nonmaterial numbers in the Solution.

.1 ..2 ...3 ....4 .....5 ......6 .......7 ........8 .........9


Now the Logical:

.1 ..2 ...3 ....4

Why did the Mayan Finished on 5? This is the Error. Numbers from 1-9 is (Let´s say Element1, 0 is Element0). The Numbers 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90 is Element2. The Numbers 100, 200, 300, 400 and so on is Element3. The Amount of Elements that is Existing is Growing/Getting Older with the Time til the Time Ends (With aspect to Material Life/Big Bang), "Nothing"/Nonmateria is as Old as the Materia, The Nonmateria and the Materia...

is Depending on Each Other and Function as One Mechanical System Build on Energy that is Transforming to Different Energyforms and so on.

The Mayan Finished on 5/Five in the Element1 (Just a Half Element1), Element1 Must be Completed before Starting the Next Stronger Element2 (10), There are No Shortcuts in Universe. Logical 6-7-8-9 Must be Included. This is the Easiest/Fastest System that goes on One Line (ex. 123456789/Next Element), Not 12345/Half Element, 6789/Half Element..


and Then a Half Element Plus a Half Element Is One Element. Because of That Error/Complication/Shortcut in the Mayans Calendar System, The Whole Calendar System is a Shortcut and Not following the Universal Rules.

The Error has Influenced New Systems Wrong/Negative (Shortcut, Uncompleted, If The Mayans System has been Prefered in Our Modern System, ex. Spacesystems), It has also given Wrong Signs on What will Happen on Earth and Space.

The Earth can Keep Rest/Sleep Well, Keep Move/Fight for the Good (The Higher Power).

A Knight Riding His Horse

Knight Riding His Horse.

Sverker Göranson Vs. Håkan Syrén

-Swedish Soldier in Camo

Sverker Göranson                        Håkan Syrén

Soldier Vs. Knight




Veil Of Ignorance

Tactical Ballistic Mask Level III

Ballistic Face Mask, Featured in TV, Criminal Minds.

Static-X Shadow Zone

Music For Exercise/Kill some Devils You Don´t Like (Just Kill It in ur Mind). AAaaarggghhAaa!

Corner Shot Launcher

Developer Corner Shot-Israel, Dynamit Nobel Defence-Germany
Caliber 60mm
Features A collapsible firing-post, Fitted with a Camera and Video Screen, One-Shot 60 mm grenade Launcher. Rounds fired at a 90 degree angle—other Corner Shot devices fire at up to 60 Degrees.
Progress ?

Ford F550



GURKHA (Ford F550)

Without turret

JaS 39 Gripen Next Generation

This Is a Part of Swedish Proudness And Power.
Even an Economical BackUp. Protect It.
You Get One for 240 Million SEK. FuelPrice?

The Hurt Locker from 2008

Good Explosion, Too Less Fire in the Background.

Better Explosion, Too Less Fire in The Background, Enjoy the Flight Soldier.

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